Thursday, February 24, 2011

Finally a tourista...

As if the weekend wasnt exhausting enough! We werent finished! A bunch of youth from El Salvador had come for Escuela de Verano and were hoping to visit with friends and hit some tourist spots before they left on Tuesday. This only meant that I got to join in on the fun. And boy did I enjoy myself!
Our morning began by running some errands, but once we were done, my host sister and I made our way to the city to meet up with the girls. We enjoyed our morning by the pool. Did some shopping, and found ourselves meeting up with the rest of the gang at the Canal! Yay! Tourist Check Point #1: Miraflores
At the Panama Canal, they have built a visitor center that literally sits on the point in the Canal where the ships pass through international waters to change hands where they are declared "NUETRAL." The captain literally hands over the wheel, and in the hour it takes to pass through the canal, its "No man's land." Its really awesome because the look outs have been built, about 5 in total, starting from water level, up to a look out above the Miraflores building.
Miraflores: Panama Canal
 You watch these HUGE ships come in from one side, you watch the waters change, and the ships pass through. Its all a very time consuming process but its really amazing. Talk about foreign affairs!
Inside the visitor center, they have 4 floors of museum exhibits about the history and artifacts from the Canal. Each floor has a theme. The first floor consists of the history about the construction of the Canal. The second floor has models and information about all the ships that pass through the canal, the third an actual mock control deck. Basically what it would look like if you were guiding the ship through the canal. The fourth is dedicated to the wild life and nature environment surrounding the canal. And if your lucky, when you make your way up to the 5th and final observation deck, you might just catch your self in the midst of a recording of "Survivor"!
Hah! Random I know, but I guess its one of the spots they have to "survive" in? I never understood the show so please forgive me and my absent mindedness.
After the canal, we made our way to Tourist Checkpoint #2: Casco Viejo. I fell in LOVE. End of story!
 Ok so I wont leave you hanging. Just because I want to try my best to describe to you this beautiful area. So Casco Viejo is basically the origins/ remnants of the original city of Panama. It looks like a romantic blend between Cuba and Italy. The architecture is absolutely breathtaking. And its an incredibly popular tourist spot. With three of its sides surrounded by water, who wouldnt wanna get lost in the streets during the day, exploring shops, resturaunts, coffee shops, wine and dine bars.
 Ofcourse, like most places in Panama, its best to stay away after dark. But during the day, it seems harmless. If I ever come back to Panama as a REAL tourist. I will most likely get lost in this area for days! Its an adventure all on its own!
To wrap up our touristy day, we made our way to Tourist Checkpoint #3: The Temple for a special visit. I say special because the Temple closes to visitors after 5PM, but lucky us, we have the hook ups. My host sister called and explained to the care takers our situation. "We basically have a bunch of youth visiting and they leave tomorrow, can you leave the gates open?" "Sure thing!" Ummm sweet! I must admit, at night, the Temple is even more stunning than it is by day. It lights up the night sky and you just wanna pray the night way.

We spent about 2 hours at the Temple, and called it a night. Great day! Exhausting! But great!

Christmas couldn't come sooner!

Although the following events took place on the last day of Escuela de Verano, I felt they deserved their own post. If you didnt know already, Ayyam-i-Ha is coming up faster than I could remember. For those of you who dont know, Ayyam-i-Ha are the 4 or 5 intercalary days in the Baha'i calender. These days come right before the start of the Baha'i fast and are often refereed to as the time for giving. I guess you could consider it the Baha'i equivalent to Christmas!
Even if it was totally different from Christmas, the feelings Im about to share with you, I would only imagine are the feelings universally felt by every child Christmas morning when they wake to find beautifully wrapped presents under their colorfully decorated Christmas tree.
So, I'll start where I last left off, we were leaving Escuela de Verano, and a local family had given us some gently warn clothing to give away to families in need. What better time to give than Ayyam-i-Ha which is only a few days away right? (To be exact. The first day of Ayyam-i-Ha is this Saturday but for those who are in need, Im sure they cant wait!) Anyways, my host family and I decided to make a quick stop in Chapalla to visit the family that lives in the "Pink House". Ya favorites? Shhh dont tell. But its true. As we got to their street, we were faced with a bit of an internal battle. You see, these kids, they are amazing, and their grandparents are saints. But the parents? Not so much.
What do you do when you have gifts to give, and you feel some are undeserving? Do we even get to decide? You see, these kids, their parents, dont exactly do such a great job of parenting. Often the children dont get breakfast, because their parents use the money to satiate an "unquenchable" thirst for alcohol. Drunkard parents, means the kids often dont get to school, fall behind, and what seemed to me at the time, create an ugly cycle.
We made our way down to the house, we decided to sort through the clothing, and make sure to give each child some article of clothing and the adult clothing to the grandparents. As we turned the corner we realized a bunch of the mothers were sitting around with the children. They are never around! And they pick today to lounge around with the kids!?! We knew if they saw us coming with a bunch of adult clothing we wouldnt be able to give anything to those we considered "deserving." But God seemed to be on our side. As we pulled the grandparents and the children aside, we handed out the clothing, sizing up, fitting, and dressing each child in atleast one article. My host sister and I took care of the girls, my host brother the boys, and my host mom the Grandmother.
If you could see the sparkle in each of their eyes you'd know God was looking down with a huge smile on his face. But even as I write this, I'm again overcome with emotion. It came down to us finishing handing the clothing out to the boys, in the end we had a few extra pieces, so we figured in order to prevent them from fighting we'd have them pick numbers at random to "win" the last article of clothing. Can I just say, this doesnt help much, because they still fight, and then you just want to break down and cry! Why! Why!?! How is this fair at all!?! The truth: Its not. And life, isnt fair.
I said my goodbyes with the best smile I could muster up under the shadow of great sadness. I know I should have been basking in the happiness we had just shed on some beautiful children. But as I walked up to the car, I couldnt hold it in anymore. I mean just imagine, you've seen their pictures! They are malnourished, tattered and worn. And here is one of the mom's chillin pregnant AGAIN! You would think if they couldnt manage to feed their kids, they'd think twice before having another one. I was sad, angry, frustrated, confused, torn. Just OVERCOME with emotion. Lets just say it was hard for my host family not to notice as I tried to cover my eyes with some big bug eyed shades. But its not an easy experience for anyone.
I know a lot of you think, sure I give clothes to "GoodWill" and other clothing banks. Sure. Cool. We all do. Let me just clarify, this is totally different. We dont know how much of a difference it makes on the lives of these children. On families! Its so different handing it out yourself. In the U.S. we are so used to third party mediators we forget what we're even doing! I guess this was a little reminder. A HUGE reminder. And it is an experience I will never forget and cherish for the rest of my life.

CDA aint got nothin on Escuela de Verano!

Ok, so thats a lie, and Im trying so hard to get my host sister to come to Clara Dunn for the summer. But I'd imagine Escuela de Verano is a lot like Tiny Seed at Brighton Creek. The campus even looks just like it! I mean a bit different, we are in the middle of the jungle, but you can imagine. Large main hall, attached to kitchen, and dorms across the field. And tents spread across the field to house the overflow of attendees.
The program ran from Thursday night to Sunday afternoon. Pretty standard. I arrived at Villa Virginia (the name of the campus, similar to Brighton Creek or Bosch) on Friday morning, bags in hand, and jumped right into the mornings first "Charla" (Spanish for "Talk"). The weekends arrangement of speakers varied from ABM's, Councilors, and LSA members.
The theme for the weekend was arising to search and teach the faith. There was also a really heavy focus on the recent letter from the UHJ. I should mention, the letters are different to Panama than they are in the U.S. Here I was thinking its the same thing but then I was like, "Helloooo, duh! Ofcourse its different." It addresses goals that Panama needs to meet for their station in the 5 yr plan.
So, the schedule for the day looked alot like this.
6:00AM Wake up
7:00AM Devotions
8:00AM Breakfast
8:30AM 1st Presentation
10:30AM Recess
10:45AM 2nd Presentation
12:15PM Lunch
1:00PM 3rd Presentation
2:30PM Recess
2:45PM 4th Presentation
4:15PM Free Time/Activities
6:00/7:00PM Dinner
7:00/8:00PM Mystery Night
8:00/9:00PM Cultural Night
10:00PM Lights out!
Sounds alot like Clara Dunn doesnt it!?! Except instead of excess doses of coffee and hot chocolate during breaks, we enjoyed fresh fruit, bananas, papaya, coffee, and tea. No complaints there!
What really set apart Escuela de Verano for me though was the crowd. I should explain, the first day I arrived, I was the oldest attendee aside from the few adults who were putting it on. As the weekend progressed more adults showed up, but by the end of the weekend I was 1 of about 5 youth over the age of 21.

I guess that means we arent really youth anymore, more like adults. Weird I know. I still feel like a kid. But...speaking of kids...I was so impressed with them. They sat through all the talks, quietly, some not so quietly, but it wasnt even a question. We had kids as young as 8 sitting through the talks right along side us "old fogies"! And yes they were paying attention. Most of the time they were more attentive than some of us were. It was amazing, and that just proved to me that we make to many excuses for kids back in the U.S. They TOTALLY have the capacity to retain all of this rich information, and here we are making seperate classes for them, and telling them its ok for the them to run around the Bahai Center during devotions. Dont get me wrong, childrens classes are great, but these kids are capable of sitting and listening to not just one but all the talks through out the day!
My favorite "Charla" was on Sunday. The speaker? This little lady who was one of the original NSA members for Panama, Mexico and most of Central America during Shoghi Effendi's time. She spoke of her experiences, her memories of Shoghi Effendi, and what it was like being one of the FIRST! I give you...
Senora Raquel
Dont worry, we all got a chance to goof off throughout the weekend too. The free time and the nights activities definitely served as a way for ALL of us, young and "old" to get out some of our excess energy and restlessness. Aside from fun and games, we had a night where we just turned on the music and danced the night away. I'll have you all know I officially can dance an authentic Salsa, and I was also taught a Pananamian dance, whose name escapes me now. But I will be sure to perform it for you all when I get back. Hahaha I know Im going to regret saying in a few months but for now, in the spirit of service, Im thinking I might just show you guys how its done!
Forced into a very public dance off!
Winners of the dance off!
Now a lot of you might be wondering if I even understood anything from the weekend. Yes, the entire program was in Spanish, (side note: A lot of people refer to Espanol as Castillano because Espanol the Spanish spoken in Spain and Castillano is South American Spanish). But I was actually able to understand most of what the weekend offered. I actually had a harder time understanding random side conversation than the talks. It also helped that a lot of the speakers had visual aids, it serves as a guide in case your ears deceive you, your eyes are there to back you up. Sure, it got a bit frustrating being reminded so often to stop speaking English to a few youth who spoke it. But can you blame me!?! It gets exhausting! My brain strains to understand the language, but I've also gotten tired of the chastisement. Which brings me to explain why I've been slacking off on blogging. I've decided to use my free time to really start to nail my Spanish. My vocabulary isnt half bad but my grammar is VERY VERY poor. And there are a lot of verbs that I dont remember. So I figured, if something is bothering me, Im going to do something about. Im going to stop letting the comments bother me and do everything I can to learn the language as SOON as possible. 
And just when I thought I could breathe easy, I was asked along with another youth on service from Zambia to speak out our service. Oh ya...IN SPANISH. Despite my insecurities, I pulled through! Without any help! Thats when I realized I could do it. I just have to be patient, and not let peoples comments bother me. Im sure most mean to be helpful, and its my own insecurities that amplify every little chastisement. But ya know its been about a week, and I'm already seeing a difference!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sweat pants, hair tied, chillin with no make up on...

Who uttered those immortal words? Is it even a question? If you know me at all, and you listen to hip-hop you should know that the Artist who spoke these words is Drake. And now, internationally recognized as the sweetest words you could say to a woman. Cute. But sometimes a girl likes to get all dolled up and feel pretty. Which brings me to tell you guys about my Saturday night.
I think its safe to assume I've been all natural whilst in Panama. Its too hot really to do much with your hair or wear make-up. You walk a lot, even when you don't, you find yourself sweating. The sun is incredibly hot, and even when its overcast that's when you feel the humidity most. So you can only imagine my joy and happiness when I got my "hurr did" on Saturday night! I think it was really entertaining because after I got it done, I went grocery shopping with my host mom and host sister, and they were giggling because I was like dancing around the grocery store. Its the simple things in life people!
After a night of girly laughter we were ready for bed. Sunday morning was going to be a long day and we had to be up early. We were going to the Temple. My host sister and host mom had a study circle with other LSA members and the councilors and it was going to be all day long. But as you know, the Temple, is a place you get semi dolled up for. It's a place you wanna wear your "Sunday Best" literally.
At 10AM on Sunday mornings they always have devotionals and its open to the public. On this very special Sunday I was asked to say a prayer :) IN FARSI! I regretfully told them I dont know any prayers in Farsi, but I would gladly say one in English. So I found the prayer that they wanted me to say in English, and closed the program with my reading.
After spending about 3 hours praying for anything and everything under the sun I made my way back to the visitor center, and read for the rest of my stay. I just started this really great book, its called "The Purpose of a Physical Reality." It's absolutely fascinating. And although the Kardashian's book makes for some great entertainment, I gotta have some stimulating reads too. So in my first few days I read this amazing book called "The Last Lecture." I recommend it to any and everyone! As my mom reads this she is going to be thinking "Ya Hediyeh it only took me a year to convince you!" And I know mom, I should have listened sooner, but I think my timing was impeccable. I feel like I'm at a point in my life, where I'm learning more than ever, I'm growing up and starting a new chapter. And with that, the book couldnt have been more comforting. Its a quick read so I highly recommend it to everyone. Its funny, witty, profound, touching, its short you guys. Dont be lazy. Just read it!
After their meeting was over, we headed towards the city to pick up a cake for Abuelo's birthday! Being the girly girls that we tend to be, we kinda ended up having a little shopping spree of our own! But how can you resist when everything is soooo inexpensive here! Anyways, we enjoyed some yummy dulce y helado and had a blast playing around with a new little moosh I'd love to introduce you all too! She's such a flirt! Strike a pose girl! Work it!
Now onto more exciting things! After we got home, I learned how to make Patacones! Some of you might know a similar Panamanian dish called Platanos. People all across South American and parts of Africa enjoy this preparation of the fried banana. But the difference with Patacones is that they are prepared with green bananas or commonly called plantains. Which means they arent really that sweet. So here's how its done. Im going to attempt to make them when I get back even though we dont exactly have the same type of green bananas in the U.S. but apparently unripe Bananas work too.
How to prepare Patacones:
1. Peal off banana peel
2. Slice up banana
3. Throw slices into a pan and fry them till they are slightly golden
4. Let them cool for a few minutes as you fry the rest
5. Smoosh the fried slices and throw them back in the pan and now fry them to a crisp
6. Sprinkle some salt over them as they cool
7. ENJOY! (They taste like FRENCH FRIES!!!)
8. Optional: Sprinkle your choice of cheese on top! (Cheese Fries anyone!?!)
Anyways as I was finishing up preparing the Patacones, my host sister told me there was someone outside waiting for me. Confused and disoriented, I was pushed outside to the gate of our house only to find a delivery man standing with a vase filled with two dozen assorted roses, Argentinian chocolates, and the cutest Panamanian teddy bear ever! "Como se dice tu nombre?" (How do you say your name?) I was sooo confused, but lets just say, I dont know how it was done, but best Valentine's Surprise ever! And ofcourse my host sister was in on it. She is soooo sneaky! And ready with the camera!!!
What a great way to end my weekend and start my week! I mean the kids pretty much did it for me, but 2 dozen roses doesnt hurt! And so I celebrated my Valentine's day fascilitating a Ruhi Book 7 study circle, and teaching a local youth some of the most popular step dances. Not till after however, we got caught in a typical tropical downpour!
As you can tell I wasnt to happy about it. Note: Never, ever, wear white pants if there is a slight chance its going to rain!
Its safe to say when the rain pours, anything can happen, including power outages. Sure not as bad as the power outage of what was it? '06? or '07? I know you Seattlites remember that epic winter when we didnt have power for like 2 weeks? This wasnt that bad, but I got to enjoy a romantic candle light dinner with my host mom in the mean time. I should mention, I had more than one Valentine this year. I surprised my host mom and host sister with Valentine's! Isnt my host sister cute!?!
M&M's 4 Lyfe!!!
Which brings me to the images I'd like to share from today. They're a bit random but they stood out in my mind and I figured they're worth passing on to all of you. Today I had one of my Jr. Youth study circles, and as we were studying, I could hear one of the younger siblings in the other room. Well, his voice wasnt all I could hear. I could hear a computer program speaking in English. And then I could hear the little boy reciting the same words in English. It definitely put a smile on my face. Little Spanish accents, so cute. Its crazy how interested they are in learning English at such a young age. While we study to learn Spanish in the classroom, they're picking it up in their spare time!
Anyways after my Ruhi Book 3, I caught a Taxi down to the parrada de bus, and caught a bus back home. The thing is, at that hour, around 5PM, traffic gets a bit crazy, and all the buses are jam packed. Remember the images I shared with you guys a few posts back? About holding random kids, and breast feeding out in the open. Well I got on another over crowded bus today, my purse thrown over my shoulder, and a stack of book in my arms, and the lady sitting down next to where I was standing offered to hold my stuff for me. You see, when you're standing on the bus, its best to eliminate any excess traffic. So, I handed over my books, and got them back when I got off at my parrada. Thanks lady!!!
As I walked back to the house from my stop, I took a short cut and walked through an open field that most of the time is occupied with little kids playing baseball. Today however, there was a dad and a bunch of little kids. What were they doing? They were trying to fly a kite. The kite? It was made of a brown paper bag and some streamers. And as the sun set and the breeze set in, I watched that sucker take off!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

It's a bird! It's a plane! It' it's actually a plane!

Just got home from my children's class in Chappalla. Its hot out as usual but its also overcast, which means you dont actually realize you're getting any sun till you walk into the house and check your tan lines. Hah! Gotta love Panama! Lately I've been observing these really amazing images of people in Panama and the culture and I think some of them are worth sharing.For example, yesterday I shared with you all the image of hospitality I witnessed on an overcrowded bus.
Last week, I was riding a Diablo Rojo back from Arraijan and look to my left to see a woman breast feeding out in the open. She was sharing a seat with 2 other people and it didnt seem to bother anyone. It was so interesting! I mean its natural and we know its all part of the life cycle, but somehow I still dont think most Americans have wrapped their heads around this kinda stuff. Im pretty sure if I was sitting on the 271 and some lady straight up started breast feeding her baby, I might not mind, but Im almost positive some people would be shocked, and maybe even offended. Its just not a cultural norm. But why not!? Anyways thats just some food for thought. The picture Im excited to paint involved my kids from the Chappalla childrens class. But first Ill update you guys on the progress they've made and what we're up to in class.
So as we make our way through the forest to the little pink house, we wait for our kids to gather round to start the children's class and the pre-youth class. Usually they take place simultaneously but today, we only had two junior youth show up. To prevent the other Jr. Youth from falling behind, we decided to have the Jr. Youth review their homework and then continue to assist me in the children's class.

Man I could have really used the help with the 12 kids I had show up in Bello Amor! Regardless, we had a really great class.
My kids have basically nailed "O Dios Guiame" so I got them started on "Quien libra de las dificultades" and this week...THEY HAD IT DOWN! I was so proud. I mean at the beginning of class they still needed a bit of help, but by the time we were done say our prayers, each of them was able to recite it to me from memory! On to our canciones (songs), so the kids have basically memorized "We are drops" + hand motions, and it puts a smile on my face every time I stop singing along, and realize they dont actually really know the words, I mean obviously its in English so its a bit difficult, but you hear pieces here and there and thats enough for me! So I've decided to start teaching them "God is one" and my creative self has come up with some pretty sweet hand motions to help the kids memorize. I could swear, when I was going to Daystar EVERY song had some set of actions or hand movements. Lets just say this is my attempt at remembering some of them and the rest I improvise. But its great because it definitely helps them remember!
After prayers and songs, we read a story about Abdul-Baha and the kids completed a few masterpieces as usual. I love when they finish, because then I ask them to explain to me what they've drawn, and they are so on point about the messages they retain from the stories! A few rounds of juegos later and we were ready to finish class with a prayer. These kids make me so proud!
Now for the image I was hoping to impart on you all. As I was sitting, waiting for the rest of the gang to show up for class, we were visiting with their grandmother. I ofcourse cant understand a word of what she says but she is, how do I say this, the definition of a caregiver. She has a billion grand kids running around, cats, dogs, chickens, and monkeys! And somehow, she manages to find the energy to clean and keep up the house! But while we were visiting with her, three of the kids were sitting with us, 1 Jr. Youth and 2 kiddies. All of a sudden, I hear an airplane overhead and the kids freak out! Excited to catch a glimpse of the plane, they run off the porch and onto the dirt and run around in circles trying to see the plane through breaks in the canopy overhead. I realized, they probably have never been on a plane before, let alone, seen one up close. It was really amazing though. Such a small world we live in sometimes, and other times, its bigger than our wildest dreams!
Im sorry I couldnt help but to include this, but one of my girls really wanted to show me her bling! Isnt she gorgeous!
Thats all for now my friends! But hopefully I'll have more stories and mental images to paint for you all! Tomorrow I'm off to the Temple. I get to spend a whole day there, its gonna be nice to have some time there, pray, meditate, and just get some peace of mind. I can assure you, that you are all in my thoughts and prayers!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Earthquakes and Birthday Cakes!

I know its been a few days! But I've been awfully busy! Be happy to know its been with core activities. Just to give you guys an idea of what my usual week looks like, here it is:

Sundays: Children's Class in Arraijan
Mondays: Ruhi Book 7 in Bello Amor
Tuesdays: Jr. Youth class and Ruhi Book 3 in Arraijan
Wednesdays: Two seperate Ruhi Book 2 study circles and one Book 1
Thursdays: Jr. Youth class
Fridays: Children's Class in Bello Amor
Saturdays: Children's Class in Chappalla

Its really great because I try to schedule my activities for the mornings and have breezier afternoons to prep for upcoming classes, work out and chill out. The heat really makes you drowsy so its best to make the most of your day before you start to feel sleepy!
This last week has been extra eventful however. Sunday, we made our way out to the mall for a fun-fille day of shopping and Birthday celebrating. After some ice cream, fresh fruit, and the most beautiful view of the city! What better way to end your weekend and start your week!

Tuesday night I was up all night...or atleast what felt that way...the dogs in the neighborhood were going crazy! And then around midnight I figured out why as I was shaken awake, to realize that my bed was moving across the room! By the time I figured out what was going on it was over. No one else seemed to have woken up but the last time I felt an earthquake was in the 4th grade so I wasnt sure if I was just going crazy or it was really happening. I went back to bed and tried to get as much sleep as realisitically possible with all the animals acting up. You know what they say right? That animals sense the grounds movement before we do? Ya well explains alot.
The next morning I woke to find that my host family was off to work and school. So I didnt really get a chance to confirm my sanity with anyone till much later in the day. I went about my activities for the day and afterward caught a bus to the city. Wednesday was Liam's 3rd Birthday! He is such a moosh its crazy! He didnt know I was coming so I surprised him and he literally freaked out! Akh Joon!

Me: Feliz Cumpleanos mi amor!
Liam: Hed-ee-YEH! Gracias!!!
Me: Cuantos anos tienes?
Liam: (Raises two fingers, then says after my birthday, Raises three fingers)

Im going to eat this child! But not before I eat his Pop's delish cooking. You see, his dad is a chef, and his birthday was at his fabulous resturaunt in the city! The combination of Persian and Panamanian Cuisine is out of this world! I could eat it for days!

But aside from receiving DIVINE confirmation that the earthquake did infact take place the night before, my favorite part of the day was watching Liam stick his finger in the cake before they had even lit the candles. One look at this kid, and you sticking your finger in the cake along side him!
After some great company and some good eatin, we headed back to their place to relax and wind down with some Chai, only to find that although the water had come back, the power had gone out! You see while we were at his Resturaunt, this huge thunderstorm hit. We only caught a glimpse of it as we ran through the rain into the resturaunt, but we enjoyed the soothing sounds of rain and thunder of the tropics! Chai by candelight, we visited, listened to old folktales in Farsi that the elders were sharing, and watched as Liam, wide eyed and too excited for words opened his presents! After this stunner modeled his new Jonas Bro's back pack and Hotwheels Monster Truck for me, compliments of who else? We spent the rest of the night jugando! (playing)

As the power came back on, a few more friends of the family came over, and this included some youth my age! I was so excited to meet them! I had heard alot about them from friends, and it was great to be meeting more people my age. They grew up in the city and attended American schools so their English was perfect, which also made communicating alot easier. We talked about life in the U.S. what its like to be on service, and why THEY prefer Panama to the States. All in all it was a really great day! Busy! But great!
Thursday I started assisting a second Jr. Youth class. Which was great because it just goes to show, even at the most awkward of ages! These kids are so amazingly intelligent and interested in the Faith that words cannot even begin to express how much they are learning, and so QUICKLY!!!
Which brings me to today. I had my children's class in Bello Amor. This is my biggest group but today, I think we really maxed out our human resources! Hahaha. 12 KIDS! It was absolutely crazy! So here is the thing about the kids, they're so great, and you can tell they enjoy the class, because as the weeks go on, they just keep showing up earlier and earlier. So today my kids were there before me!!! And I was early! Ayyy Dios Mio!
Today's class though, it was really special, because this group finally memorized "O Dios Guiame." Can you imagine 12 kids reciting it for you, and its only our 3rd class! With all the crazyness that goes on in this class, you'd think its impossible that they are hearing anything you say, but then they come up and explain to you that their drawing is about Abdul-Baha and this resturaunt, and the server and the glass of water. Everytime one of them actually takes away the message from the stories I read them, I get a little happy feeling deep down inside me that just reaffirms that what Im doing might actually be making the slightest difference! Besides, tell me this group of kids doesnt put a smile on your face!?

On my way home I took the Tocal bus, which mind you was overflowing as usual. But I couldnt help but to be stunned by this image and wanted to share it with you guys as my parting thought:
Young father with baby in arms gets on bus, no room to sit,  lady sitting offers to hold child. Father hands over child. And just like that, shes cradling some strangers kid. And thats safe, and normal, and wonderful! Thats the difference between the U.S. and Panama. And I think its pretty sweet!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I think I'm in love!

If you havent already, please make your way to my Facebook and look at the little moosh who has won my heart! Wait, I just realized I have fallen in love with two different Panamanian mooshes and its only been like 3 weeks! Well, who is to blame when these little babies are giving me besos left and right and jumping into my arms like there is no tomorrow!?! And I aint complainin!
I would have to say that Fridays and Saturdays are my favorite parts of the week because of the children's classes. I have one in Bello Amor on Fridays
(Bello Amor Class)
and one in Chappalla on Saturdays. I know its not appropriate to be picking favorites but Im totally in love with my kids in Chappalla. They are sooooooo lindooooo! (cute) And enthusiastic and happy and sweet and I just love love love them! Well I love all my kids. And I have so much fun with them even when they are rough housin, breaking chairs or fighting over crayons, and most of all, trying to communicate with me and getting frustrated because I dont understand them.
Yesterday however, was wonderful! These kids are super shy, but I appreciate their efforts. All they need is a little push of encouragement. And by the end of class, their drawing you pictures of their interpretation of a story of Abdul-Baha during his time in Akka, and when asked to "Explicame" they tell me, this is the city, this is the shop, this is the merchant, and this is Abdul-Baha. Im left speechless, and once again these kids amaze me! We end out class with a few rounds of Raton y Gato. Im asked to be the first Gato, and I have no idea how to play the game, but these kids are troopers. They arent gonna give up on this gringo!
I should mention, with all the service, I get a few breaks here and there too! I enjoy naps in hammica's, Pipa by the quarter, and unsuccessful attempts to see Mr. Seik perform my Panamanian jam "El Choke" but the adventures are all worth while! Even almost getting run over by crazy drivers tryna get pictures of McDonalds Panama steez!
But back to service. Today, was amazing. These kids, I dont even have words to describe this group. But they are amazing. Absolutely amazing. They shine like the brilliant little estrellas that they are! And they're so enthusiastic to learn. They never complain and want to practice practice practice! They already have "O God guide me" memorized in Spanish so Im working on teaching them "Is there any remover of difficulties" in Spanish. Their brains just soak it up! I think its because they WANT to learn as well, which really inspires me to give these kids my all! They pick it up so fast, and before Im done reciting a line they beat me to the end to show me they're memorizing it! I high five all of them and spread encouragement. I want these kids to know their true potential! Their smiles are miles wide when they are praised and it makes me want to pick them all up and squeeze the life out of them!
I almost squeeze the life out of their little chick too. I didnt realize it was chillin in this little plastic container next to my chair until I heard it squeaking. Take a look! As I sometimes refer to Isar, I just wanted to pop its head off it was so cute!

After getting over my semi-attention deficit moment, we got back to work. I asked the kids to talk to me about qualities and characterstics that they thing are important in a good human being. With a little push, I had them talkin in no time! They were telling me its important to love your family, to help your parents, to me kind and loving to one another...Dime, que mas!?! Unidad, Bondad, Generosidad, Paciencia, Perdon, Amor por Dios!?! Those all sound about right dont you agree!?! The smiles on their faces seem to me that we've got it covered.

Before we ended our class, we played a few rounds of Pato y Ganso (Duck, Duck, Goose) and Im kinda bad at it hahaha but I think the kids have more fun with it that way. And before snacks, I told my class that I'd like to end with a prayer, and if they could recite "O Dios Guiame" we'd call it a day! In unison, their mooshie little Spanish voices said the prettiest prayer I've ever heard! And with a few simple words of God,  I had the biggest, happiest smile on my face! After snacks and visiting, we said our goodbyes, and to my surprise, my little mooshes ran up to me and gave me besos left and right! As Goli would say, "eeee" they are sooo cute! And two of the girls said, "We love you alot" I almost started crying right there! Its a bittersweet goodbye, I really LOVE these kids. But its all in a days work my friends. Im out!


Before I get started I'd just like to apologize if my last two posts were taken the wrong way. I've been going through some personal issues and I dont want people thinking Im not enjoying my period of service. Just been facing some personal challenges and as a writer, I find Im able to express myself here. But by no means am I unhappy. Things are just different, and with time, will get better.
That being said, I wanna tell you guys all about the last two days, which made my week end with a smile, after a few rough days at the beginning. So yesterday, was a really productive day! Which is awesome. I feel like Im fulfilling my purpose when my days are productive. I havent had to many un-productive days, aside from one or two days here and there which have allowed me to catch my breath, rest up, and prepare for the following week.
As I was saying, yesterday, was a good day! Actually today was a good day too! Yesterday I tutored Abuelo in Ruhi Book 7. Its funny because now that Im doing the books in Spanish Im absorbing more because I have to think so hard to understand what Im reading. But I've been successful. Im lucky because this gentleman is very patient with me and incredibly encouraging. I think he is one of the people are here I have come to understand the best. It's helpful when the people you work with understand that communication is a challenge for you at the moment, so they work WITH you to help you understand and reach a common ground. But as I was saying, Book 7, its all a review. It focuses on training individuals in becoming tutors of the Ruhi sequence and reminds you again whats most important when it comes to teaching.
Patience, flexibility, and love for God. Thats what drives most of us to do what we do doesnt it? Especially in the spirit of service. You do it because you love Baha'u'llah.

Thats what I took away from the sections we worked on yesterday. And no matter how many times you've done a Ruhi book, you're always learning and taking away a new message from the course materials. Its really great, because here I am, having done the entire sequence and Im still absorbing new information, and this time its in Spanish!
Im really happy I've gotten a chance to tutor. Yesterday, in the sections we reviewed, it talked about how everyone contributes in their own way. That tutors are only there to help facilitate participation, but knowing that everyone has different learning styles and comfort zones, someone may talk alot, and other may not talk at all. But that doesnt mean they're learning. Its amuses me to be able to apply what Im learning to my experiences. All of my Ruhi sessions vary from person to person. Some people engage verbally and we have these really amazing discussions in Spanish, and others dont really say much, they need a little extra push. But its all good! Because their learning style may be different and with time, they will build a comfort level that will allow them to verbalize their thoughts better.
Anyways, this brings me to the title of this post. So I've officially mastered the bus system. And in the last two days, I was introduced to a new type. So its not really a bus. Its kinda like a large van that has seats in it. And its local. It goes from the area that I live in a loop through town and basically stops really close to where I have childrens classes on Fridays. The other day however, was my first time taking this new bus, and I havent quite nailed down where all the spots are located. Im still working on that, but I'd like the think Im learning quickly. As I left Ruhi Book 7, I saw the bus on the other side of the road and basically SPRINTED for my life up the bridge to get to the other side. To flag down the bus, to get on, only to find, it stops on the other side of the street. Reminded me of my days on the ave. (sigh) I definitely dont miss that about UW. For all my amigos who are still being tormented by public transit, my heart goes out to you!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Estoy Cansada

Yesterday was a really long, exhausting day! Physically, mentally and emotionally.
I think its safe to assume I didnt get much sleep the night before. And recent events consumed my thoughts all day long. Aside from being emotionally drained, my day started at about 8AM. And I dont mean I got up at 8, I mean my first activity started at 8. Not sure why people around here feel the need to get started soooo early when they barely get sleep at night with all the fireworks and barking dogs going off till wee hours of the night. But they do, and its insanely tiring.
So I took my first taxi by myself today. Thank God the driver didnt ask me anything other than where I needed to go, and from my destination I took a bus to a community members house to start the days activities. After walking a half mile to her home from the bus stop, we got ready to walk UP the mountain to the home of two women who we would be tutoring in Ruhi Book 2. Although the women lived about a few houses apart we tutored them separately. I think it would be ideal to get them both in the same place, their only a few sections out of sync, but if we could get them to the same point in the book I think it would be productive to tutor them together.
Regardless however, on THIS day, I was already falling asleep at 10AM. My eyes were dry and extremely tired from crying the night before. And I was so distracted all day, I really just wanted to be back home. People tell you there's nothing you can do, and I know its probably true, but you feel even more helpless when you're farther away from the ones you love when they need you most.
After finishing our Ruhi study sessions we walked all the way DOWN the mountain and back UP to this lady's house. I basically passed out after lunch on her couch as I waited for my ride to arrive to take me to my next activity. They never showed, so 45 minutes later I was woken up to be told that we would just have to catch a taxi to the next house. So not sure if I mentioned this but Im really not ok taking taxi's. The drivers jip you if they know you are a tourist and I totally dont speak well enough to understand what they say unless they're asking me where I need to go. In which case, I assume thats what they are asking and answer regardless and try to give them exact change. But my fears were validated when the next driver tried to charge us 5 bucks for driving us up a hill.
Dont get me wrong, its not about the money, but who knows what it would cost me or what trouble I'd get into if I was by myself. Luckily this lady rode along with me and started arguing with the driver. But I cant do that!? I can barely figure out how much they ask me to pay when I get out. Most of the places I need to go, have a set price, and I just give them exact change, but for these new spots? Its not so easy. IM NOT READY!!!
Anyways, at my new location, I was arranged to facilitate a junior youth class, and then tutor a lady in Ruhi Book 3. I should mention, that its really ridiculous how no one communicates properly around here. I understand its a cultural thing, the U.S. is really different, probably the only country where people really structure everything down to the T. But before I left the house I arranged to make sure I had the right books with me so I wouldnt be unprepared like last week. What did I do? I took two books with me that I was "supposed" to have, and they were both not "needed." Cool! And then the people I work with think Im stupid or something.
Ok so Im a little frustrated and tired writing this now, but it really was an insanely long day. I'd also like to add, Im not so fond of the Junior Youth classes. I've never done one before and its basically like Ruhi, you just work through a work book. But the kids, they're sweet and all but they're kind they're just like pre-teens in the U.S. They laugh at you for no reason, or at least it feels that way because they're saying things in hushed tones under their breath, and if you can even get them to participate, they make a joke of everything. You'd think they'd have a little more respect. Maybe I was just tired, and had run out of patience, but it seemed exceptionally challenging.
Just when I thought my day was over, I found out that I wouldnt be able to go home till later. At this point, I basically lost it and Im pretty sure the expressions on my face, made it pretty clear I wasnt happy to hear this. I'd say this was my first Diva moment of service. But only because I couldnt keep my eyes open! And she was asked to go to a deepening on a message from the UHJ which I knew wasnt going to be successful. So I went and did my best. Five minutes in, I set the paper aside and started writing in my journal. And ya know what? The group I was with didnt seem to mind. They knew I'd had a long day and at the end of our meeting, which ended early because I was semi falling asleep, I explained to them why I was exceptionally tired today. I think they understood.
"It's also during your darkest or fearful moments, that you gather your courage and call upon your greatest strength to pull you through those days. That's when you learn to stretch your strength."

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dearly Departed

Im not sure how to begin this post. But being on service tests you in more ways than one. And you realize things that happen back home are really out of your control. You want to be with the ones you love when they need you most, yet you feel helpless because you're off serving some other cause. And its hard to wrap your head around the fact that your loved ones are being tested too.
About an hour ago I heard some really upsetting news about a family friend. And right now all I want to do is be at home with my brother. And its killing me that I cant. I dont know if Im overcome by emotion because I cant be with him, or because of the loss that this family is experiencing. It really sucks, and all I can do is say prayers and keep myself together, and show him that Im here for him if he wants to talk.

O Lord!  Make this youth radiant, and confer Thy bounty upon this poor creature.  Bestow upon him knowledge, grant him added strength at the break of every morn and guard him within the shelter of Thy protection so that he may be freed from error, may devote himself to the service of Thy Cause, may guide the wayward, lead the hapless, free the captives and awaken the heedless, that all may be blessed with Thy remembrance and praise.  Thou art the Mighty and the Powerful.



O my God!  O Thou forgiver of sins, bestower of gifts, dispeller of afflictions!  

Verily, I beseech thee to forgive the sins of such as have abandoned the physical garment and have ascended to the spiritual world. 

O my Lord!  Purify them from trespasses, dispel their sorrows, and change their darkness into light.  Cause them to enter the garden of happiness, cleanse them with the most pure water, and grant them to behold Thy splendors on the loftiest mount.



O Thou forgiving Lord!
Although some souls have spent the days of their lives in ignorance, and became estranged and contumacious, yet, with one wave from the ocean of Thy forgiveness, all those encompassed by sin will be set free.  Whomsoever Thou willest Thou makest a confidant, and whosoever is not the object of Thy choice is accounted a transgressor.  Shouldst Thou deal with us with Thy justice, we are all naught but sinners and deserving to be shut out from Thee, but shouldst Thou uphold mercy, every sinner would be made pure and every stranger a friend.  Bestow, then, Thy forgiveness and pardon, and grant Thy mercy unto all.
Thou art the Forgiver, the Lightgiver and the Omnipotent.



Love You Walle.

Vamos a la PLAYA!!!

Welcome to Colón! Where the water is clear and the sand snow white! Its the Caribbean if you havent figured it out yet, and I just had my first sweet taste of it. If you know me well enough, you know that I am one to lay out for hours to no end, but for the purpose of having beautiful sun kissed skin.

So sure, Yass and my mom are always hollering and hootin about the sun screen but I like to go all out with the tanning oil. I think Yass now understands why as she is a fan of the tan too. But I will have you all know, I came prepared for my trip to Panama. I have no intention of coming back as a dried up old raisin, and not to worry, I've been wearing abnormal amounts of SPF 30 sunscreen. Those of you who know me know I dont really use anything past SPF 5. Hah! But thank goodness I did!
Colón (pronounced: Coh-logne) is located about two hours north of Panama city. Its the Caribbean side of the country and the so you really get a feel for what paradise is really like. The thing about the weather in Panama though is that its super tropical. Its kinda odd when its 90 degrees out but then randomly it starts raining when you stop for some snacks. (Fried maiz to be exact) Which was actually really good. Its fresh ground corn, a tiny bit of flower, deep fried. Comes out tasting like corn bread! Good ol' country eatin!
My car buddy
But like I said thats the thing about Panama, you're hot and you could swear the sun isnt breaking through the cloud over your head but it is. And when the clouds move out of the way, the sun has its way with you. You feel your skin toasting! Despite my attempts to tan and not burn, at the end of the day my nose was red and I had some wicked tan lines. 

It was such a great break though, from all the hustle and bustle of the burbs and the city. I just chilled out, swam a little in the beautiful water. Which by the way is still cold...but once you submerge yourself in it, you're good! (sigh)
After a lovely, hearty helping of sandevich-eh-kaalboss (yes my hosts really went Persian style on this one) we got the gang ready to head back to the city. When you drive all the way out to places like Colon, you realize how much of a tropical rain forest Panama really is!
 And its beautiful!