Who uttered those immortal words? Is it even a question? If you know me at all, and you listen to hip-hop you should know that the Artist who spoke these words is Drake. And now, internationally recognized as the sweetest words you could say to a woman. Cute. But sometimes a girl likes to get all dolled up and feel pretty. Which brings me to tell you guys about my Saturday night.
I think its safe to assume I've been all natural whilst in Panama. Its too hot really to do much with your hair or wear make-up. You walk a lot, even when you don't, you find yourself sweating. The sun is incredibly hot, and even when its overcast that's when you feel the humidity most. So you can only imagine my joy and happiness when I got my "hurr did" on Saturday night! I think it was really entertaining because after I got it done, I went grocery shopping with my host mom and host sister, and they were giggling because I was like dancing around the grocery store. Its the simple things in life people!
After a night of girly laughter we were ready for bed. Sunday morning was going to be a long day and we had to be up early. We were going to the Temple. My host sister and host mom had a study circle with other LSA members and the councilors and it was going to be all day long. But as you know, the Temple, is a place you get semi dolled up for. It's a place you wanna wear your "Sunday Best" literally.
At 10AM on Sunday mornings they always have devotionals and its open to the public. On this very special Sunday I was asked to say a prayer :) IN FARSI! I regretfully told them I dont know any prayers in Farsi, but I would gladly say one in English. So I found the prayer that they wanted me to say in English, and closed the program with my reading.
After spending about 3 hours praying for anything and everything under the sun I made my way back to the visitor center, and read for the rest of my stay. I just started this really great book, its called "The Purpose of a Physical Reality." It's absolutely fascinating. And although the Kardashian's book makes for some great entertainment, I gotta have some stimulating reads too. So in my first few days I read this amazing book called "The Last Lecture." I recommend it to any and everyone! As my mom reads this she is going to be thinking "Ya Hediyeh it only took me a year to convince you!" And I know mom, I should have listened sooner, but I think my timing was impeccable. I feel like I'm at a point in my life, where I'm learning more than ever, I'm growing up and starting a new chapter. And with that, the book couldnt have been more comforting. Its a quick read so I highly recommend it to everyone. Its funny, witty, profound, touching, its short you guys. Dont be lazy. Just read it!
After their meeting was over, we headed towards the city to pick up a cake for Abuelo's birthday! Being the girly girls that we tend to be, we kinda ended up having a little shopping spree of our own! But how can you resist when everything is soooo inexpensive here! Anyways, we enjoyed some yummy dulce y helado and had a blast playing around with a new little moosh I'd love to introduce you all too! She's such a flirt! Strike a pose girl! Work it!
Now onto more exciting things! After we got home, I learned how to make Patacones! Some of you might know a similar Panamanian dish called Platanos. People all across South American and parts of Africa enjoy this preparation of the fried banana. But the difference with Patacones is that they are prepared with green bananas or commonly called plantains. Which means they arent really that sweet. So here's how its done. Im going to attempt to make them when I get back even though we dont exactly have the same type of green bananas in the U.S. but apparently unripe Bananas work too.
How to prepare Patacones:
1. Peal off banana peel
2. Slice up banana
3. Throw slices into a pan and fry them till they are slightly golden
4. Let them cool for a few minutes as you fry the rest
5. Smoosh the fried slices and throw them back in the pan and now fry them to a crisp
6. Sprinkle some salt over them as they cool
7. ENJOY! (They taste like FRENCH FRIES!!!)
8. Optional: Sprinkle your choice of cheese on top! (Cheese Fries anyone!?!)
Anyways as I was finishing up preparing the Patacones, my host sister told me there was someone outside waiting for me. Confused and disoriented, I was pushed outside to the gate of our house only to find a delivery man standing with a vase filled with two dozen assorted roses, Argentinian chocolates, and the cutest Panamanian teddy bear ever! "Como se dice tu nombre?" (How do you say your name?) I was sooo confused, but lets just say, I dont know how it was done, but best Valentine's Surprise ever! And ofcourse my host sister was in on it. She is soooo sneaky! And ready with the camera!!!
What a great way to end my weekend and start my week! I mean the kids pretty much did it for me, but 2 dozen roses doesnt hurt! And so I celebrated my Valentine's day fascilitating a Ruhi Book 7 study circle, and teaching a local youth some of the most popular step dances. Not till after however, we got caught in a typical tropical downpour!
As you can tell I wasnt to happy about it. Note: Never, ever, wear white pants if there is a slight chance its going to rain!
Its safe to say when the rain pours, anything can happen, including power outages. Sure not as bad as the power outage of what was it? '06? or '07? I know you Seattlites remember that epic winter when we didnt have power for like 2 weeks? This wasnt that bad, but I got to enjoy a romantic candle light dinner with my host mom in the mean time. I should mention, I had more than one Valentine this year. I surprised my host mom and host sister with Valentine's! Isnt my host sister cute!?!
M&M's 4 Lyfe!!! |
Which brings me to the images I'd like to share from today. They're a bit random but they stood out in my mind and I figured they're worth passing on to all of you. Today I had one of my Jr. Youth study circles, and as we were studying, I could hear one of the younger siblings in the other room. Well, his voice wasnt all I could hear. I could hear a computer program speaking in English. And then I could hear the little boy reciting the same words in English. It definitely put a smile on my face. Little Spanish accents, so cute. Its crazy how interested they are in learning English at such a young age. While we study to learn Spanish in the classroom, they're picking it up in their spare time!
Anyways after my Ruhi Book 3, I caught a Taxi down to the parrada de bus, and caught a bus back home. The thing is, at that hour, around 5PM, traffic gets a bit crazy, and all the buses are jam packed. Remember the images I shared with you guys a few posts back? About holding random kids, and breast feeding out in the open. Well I got on another over crowded bus today, my purse thrown over my shoulder, and a stack of book in my arms, and the lady sitting down next to where I was standing offered to hold my stuff for me. You see, when you're standing on the bus, its best to eliminate any excess traffic. So, I handed over my books, and got them back when I got off at my parrada. Thanks lady!!!
As I walked back to the house from my stop, I took a short cut and walked through an open field that most of the time is occupied with little kids playing baseball. Today however, there was a dad and a bunch of little kids. What were they doing? They were trying to fly a kite. The kite? It was made of a brown paper bag and some streamers. And as the sun set and the breeze set in, I watched that sucker take off!