This doesn't just go for academia, although I'd argue thats probably the biggest aspect of my life I've witnessed it in. I tend to be one giant stressball, and over the last year, that stress has turned into some ugly anxiety. But it managed to transfer itself into other aspects of my life. Including my term of service. Going into the unknown, it tripped me out! But I really just have to do my best, make the most with what I have, and leave the rest in God's hands. And I'd argue thats exactly what happened yesterday in my second children's class.
If you guys can recall, a few posts back I had introduced you guys to a group of kids who are coming up out of some not so ideal living situations. They're all cousins, and they're the ones that occupy the pink house by that tree...ya know? That one tree? Over there? Ya well turns out that tree has a bunch of little monkeys living in it! Which should probably pain a nice picture of my environment. We're pretty much in a rain forest!
Well yesterday was my first children's class with them. And Im sorry but Im pretty sure I want to kidnap all of them and keep them all to myself. I know it's messed up to say I've picked favorites. "Since we're all created equal" and all that jazz. But this group has really won my heart.
I mean look at her hip pop! Who wouldnt be proud of that! Im kidding, but really THEY make the most of what they have and they're so happy and enthusiastic to learn that I'm blown away every time.
Lesson plan was the same as the one I had planned for the other group of kids that I taught the day before. But our numbers were much smaller this time around. Somehow, the class was so much more successful!
They already know "O God Guide Me" in Spanish, which is probably the most precious thing to watch in the world. But quickly absorbed "Is there any remover of difficulties..." They dont read, so the poster board I had brought along was kinda pointless because they simply mimicked my horrible Spanish. But before I knew it, they were running through the prayer, faster than I could read it!
My favorite part of this group though, was teaching them "We are drops" They were so enthusiastic to learn it no matter how many times I asked them to sing it with me! I wanted them to learn it! And this time I got creative. I had them doing the hand motions and everything. I'll admit the moves weren't that creative, they consisted of what I could remember doing throughout my childhood and some sweet attempts to act out the lyrics. But I swear these kids are like sponges! They had it down by the end of class and we're showing me whats up! And that really put a really big goofy smile on my face!
[insert video of the kids singing the song, damn this internet connection!]
After some arts and crafts, we played a few games and this time I got to join in! I managed to explain Pato y Ganso (Duck Duck Goose) and a really entertaining session of Simone Dice (Simon Says) we closed with prayers. These kids really are shining stars! And when they ask me if Im coming back tomorrow, I smile one sad smile only to tell them that I can only come once a week...but I'll be back next Sabado por un otro clase!
They light up! And thats a really good thing worth waiting for!
One incredibly wise women once told me:
"The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt"
I'm going to have to agree with her, this experience is all about growing up. ---
After children's class and pre-youth class (their siblings are in the pre-youth class, which I do not teach, but get to watch in amazement as they discuss virtues and principles of the faith) we ventured to the mall in search of a router! I had to do something about my limited access to the internet! $30 dollars later and you have some happy teenagers!
After wasting away in the mall for about 4 hrs (I was reminded why I hate hanging out in Bellevue so much)
We headed home, freshened up, and were off to a community fund raiser. Its funny because last night, my parents called me to tell me they were going to a fund raiser. And after sitting through this one, its so funny how every community has its quirkyness and how different one world is from another.
My host sister (Desiree) and I |
Just goes to show, its all about the Faith!